Nymia 1.2.7

The biggest change in this version is the addition of differentiated map markers representing the location types: Trading Posts, Enemies, NPCs, and Items. Each of those four has a different color, and include icons showing what category of item is found at that location. All enemies are protecting items. Some NPCs will give you an item, but not all of them.

A potential problem: Adding the differentiated map markers is resulting in a warning when testing the app in debug mode. Everything seems to work fine, but the warning concerns me. It refers to a memory issue. I have no experience with memory problems, so I’m crossing my fingers for no crashes. I don’t want to have to go down that rabbit hole. 🙂

Fixed a bug that was congratulating players too early for completing a quest.

Fixed a bug that was preventing enemies from spawning.

Fixed a bug that was freezing accounts after placing a first trading post.

Fixed a couple other minor bugs.

Next up: alerts for when an enemy spawns nearby and the ability to place items in far-off lands.

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